Saturday, March 12, 2011

Right again! American Plumbing Company, Addis, LA

About a month ago we installed a boiler for a local motel chain that they furnished. Upon installation we informed the so called engineer the boiler required a holding tank. He told us that his maintenance man could start it up without a holding tank. We said okay and went about our merry way. Two weeks later the manager for the motel calls us out on a Saturday and said a fitting blew out at the boiler. When the technician arrived we found a fitting blew out at the holding tank the maintenance man installed next to the boiler we installed. So not only were we correct that the boiler required a holding tank but, it cost them twice to have the holding tank installed. Once to have their maintenance man install the holding tank and once to have us come out on the weekend and repair the fitting that was installed incorrectly at the holding tank. I sure am glad I don't stay at that motel. Not to worry though. I'm sure they will still leave the light on for you. :)

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